Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 14 (6/28/12): Thank you, Sally

I slept in until 7:30 this morning, being awoken by Marzipan (Kenya’s friendly orange cat) scurrying about below my bed.  Despite this farm having countless laying hens, I had eggs for breakfast for the first time this only morning.  I could taste the richness in flavor from having fresh, untampered eggs.  Today was a special day off because I had a visitor.  With some last minute plans thrown together, my friend, Sally Waters from, was driving up from Bedford, MA for a day trip.  How generous of her!  When she arrived, I gave her a tour of the historic farmhouse and Sage joined us to show her around the farm.  We were obediently followed by Gil’s turkey’s, Tom and Jane.  Sally and I drove down to Belgrade Lakes to park and walk around.  We checked out the local antique shop, a cornerstone, it seems, of a small town in Maine.  We enjoyed lunch at the Sunset Grille and walked over to the joint seafood and ice cream shop for some Maine’s Gifford’s ice cream.  Unfortunately, Sally had to work at her own ice cream shop later that evening, so she left earlier than preferred.  I spent the rest of the day lounging in my room on hold with Greyhound to figure out a fiasco with my return trip tickets, researching the group Anonymous, and catching up on the US Olympic Trials results (go Nick Symmonds!).  
Another highlight of the day was going running – the first time in about 6 weeks.  Kenya and I ran about 2.5 miles up a scenic country road.  I’ve been dealing with plantar fasciitis in my left foot since about November of last year, although I didn’t know what it was until April this year.  I stopped running after my outdoor season to heal it, and this is the longest I’ve gone without running since the 9th grade.  My foot felt fine, no pain from the plantar, although my left big toe still feels a little numb from my night splint I’ve since stopped using that I think was pinching a nerve.  I'll consult my coach, but hopefully this means I can get back to training fro cross country.  We returned home to dinner served on the table: leftover lasagna, booked beans, and salad with dill and pickling cucumbers.  Katie and I watched the Sister Act (with Whoopi Goldberg) after dinner and now I’m off to bed for an early start tomorrow morning on CSA day. 

Tom and Jane, 2 male turkeys that Gilbert shows for 4-H, followed Sally, Sage, and me around the farm today.


  1. I'm SO glad Sally was able to come and visit you! That's so sweet and thoughtful of her, and I'm sure she also loved seeing the farm!

  2. FIRST RUN WHOO! I like turkeys, I ran into a few wild ones on a run a few weeks ago. New Kent, you know. We're practically the same person.
