Friday, August 3, 2012

Days 47-48 (7/31/12-8/1/12): Back to Normal

Things have finally calmed down this week since Open Farm Day, being at the lake house, Dinner on the Farm, and seeing my family.  It was a blast going to Boothbay and Wiscasset and getting to watch the Olympics.  I was sad to see my family go, but I know time will fly until going home. 
On Tuesday I fed the animals in the morning, which includes scooping the poop and wet bedding out of their stalls.  I suckered the tomatoes, checked for horn worms, and broke off all branches below the bottom set of tomatoes on each plant – this aerates the plants and takes off dead weight to focus the nutrients on growing the tomatoes.  The tomatoes are huge (about the size of 2 softballs sometimes, maybe even a football) and they’re finally getting ripe enough to pick – a few each day.  The garlic has been drying in the barn for a couple of weeks now, layed on a drying rack with a fan blowing on them.  I trimmed their roots, cleaned the heads, and cut the stems off to a 2-inch stub.  I organized the garlic into hard-stemmed garlic, soft-stemmed garlic, and small-headed garlic (to be used for planting).  I was supposed to leave the soft-stemmed garlic stems on for Mary to use in garlic braids.  
While Mary and the kids were gone for errands tonight, Jillian and I went on a bike ride and a run, respectively, through the dark.  Kenya returned home tonight.  She had spent Monday and Tuesday with Sharon, Eli’s mother, for Sharon’s birthday.  Along with helping out in the gardens, Kenya worked on building her solar dryer with Sharon.  Kenya will use this and a giant solar dryer she’s making in the roof of the hoop house to dry fruit and veggies for fruit leathers and soup mixes.  She will sell her products at the Youth Entrepreneur Station at Maine’s Common Ground Fair in September to fundraise for her expedition next year.  
Wednesday morning was filled with harvesting.  Many plants are in season now, so harvesting takes a long time.  Along with pickling cucumbers, I now harvest slicing cucumbers, and squash and green peppers are still coming in.  Eggplants are ready, so we first pick them a little small to encourage the plant to produce more fruit.  I found one today larger than a football – beautiful.  Provider Beans (green) and Yellow Wax Beans are also plentiful. I finished composting Field 7 with Jillian and was supposed to heavy hoe-weed Field 7 for the rest of the day, but Mary called me up to help her with making Turkery Pot Pies.  You’d be surprised at the demand for this product in the hot summer season.  We pull pieces of turkey and add potatoes, carrots and onions, and gravy and pop this in the freezer.  
I got all spiffied up and read to Sage before we went out for dinner tonight.  Because I didn’t get a share of the tips earned for Open Farm Day tours, the family treated me to a dinner at a Thai restaurant (that also serves sushi).  I enjoyed some yummy eel sushi and Pad-Khing (rice dish with tofu, ginger, mushrooms, vegetables).

Pickling cukes (left) are shorter and fatter than slicing cukes (right) and are a lighter shade of green. They're both prickly on the vine though.  

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