Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 17 (7/1/12): Bachelorette Pad Part II

I kept making myself fall back to sleep this morning because of waking before 7am, despite my late bed time last night (~1).  Today the family would leave to spend a couple days on an island with friends.  Bachelorette Pad again, and only Katie and me this time!  Although I miss the family, there’s something exhilarating about living in someone else’s home when they aren’t there.  
My wrist was feeling better throughout the day, but towards the evening it started to feel a little tender again.  I’ll be wearing Katie’s wrist brace tomorrow.  This morning I watered both hoop houses and finished planting the kale seedlings in Field 5 since I ran out of sticks to plant them with yesterday.  I ran out of sticks again today, so I just grabbed a few branches from the forest and used those pieces.  I had to re-hill the potatoes today.  Instead of piling dirt up to where the leaves start growing on the stem, I needed to dig a ‘trench’ beside them and cover the plants all the way to the top until only the top leaves are exposed.  This took the better part of the day.  To recharge before weeding the footpaths of Field 5 for the rest of the day, I weeded, wrapped, and suckered tomatoes in the lower hoop house.  Because of fixing the hilling all day, I didn’t get as far with Field 5 weeding as I would have liked.  With all of this weeding and hoeing, I’ve been trying to keep in mind to bend at my hips rather than in my back.  I learned that from weight-lifting this year – thanks, Ben.  However, by the end of the day I was feeling some muscle spasms in my back.  I just need to rest it more and protect it better; my back isn’t used to this much strain.  
Katie and I came inside by 6:30 and took showers and prepared dinner (roast chicken).  While waiting for our meal to warm up, Katie showed me a video1 that a friend of hers had made describing Maine dialect.  I love accents, and Maine is no exception.  I had no idear how much lingo Mainers have.  While eating dinner, Katie and I watched Sister Act 2 and Katie was thoughtful enough to surprise me with some Jones Green Apple Soda.  We had talked about it earlier in the week (there are turkey and bubble gum flavors!) about how I hadn’t had it in years, so Katie picked some up at a gelato shop yesterday on her day off.  
At the end of the day, Katie closed all the windows and locked the doors (this old house can be a little creepy when it’s so empty) while I washed the dishes.  I’m taking care of Rosemary, an Australian Shepherd, while the family’s gone, so I fed him and put him in his cage.  While brushing my teeth, I looked over to see Kenya’s cat, Marzipan, sitting in the toilet with his paws in the water. Strange. 
Also, I’d like to give a shout out to my friend and coach, Ryan Webb who just got engaged to his fiancé, Katy, this weekend.  CONGRATS


  1. You work so HARD! Well, I hope you can play hard with us when we come to visit! Thinking about it all the time now - just 4 weeks away now!

  2. Absolutely, looking forward to seeing you and Maine!

  3. T-minus one year until the wedding <3<3

