Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 38 (7/22/12): Open Farm Day

The MOFGA t-shirts we wear on Open Farm Day say "Who's your farmer?" on the back.  This is the gang on Open Farm Day last year.

I awoke this morning to Mary shouting my name from outside at my 3rd story room.  She was locked out of the farmhouse from staying at the camp and my alarm hadn’t gone off this morning.  All was fine though, and we started the day early to get our chores in before our Open Farm Day started.  Open Farm Day is a day for farms across Maine to invite the public onto their property for tours, demonstrations, samplings, and more.  
I watered both hoop houses, harvested cucumbers, and headed up for a beautiful ‘egg mcmuffin’ breakfast made by Ellie.  I helped set up for the day’s event by setting up the wool and spinning station and making freshly-squeezed lemonade.  People started coming by 9, so we readied our positions for tours earlier than expected.  Gil gave cart rides to children with his steer, Kenya and Sage gave tours of the top half of the farm, and I gave tours of the bottom half, the fields.  This is where I thrive.  I loved explaining to people all that I’ve learned this summer.  It’s all still fresh in my mind what new things amazed me about growing produce and living on the farm.  I was asked questions about gardening, but also ones inquiring who I am, what I do, and why I’m here.  I found it quite fulfilling to answer the latter.  I even had the pleasure of meeting a couple of folks from Richmond, VA.  The day was long with short breaks which I filled by tending to the fields with weeding, squishing tomato hornworms, or nibbling on my grinder and pb cookies that Kenya brought down for me.  We ended after 4, cleaning up the farm after the busy day.  Mary let me leave to go to the camp (lakehouse) at 5 and lounge for the rest of the day.  Despite the cool evening I begrudgingly got into the water with Kenya before we sat down for dinner of stuffed green peppers from the farm.  Eli joined us today, and he’s a friendly guy who lightens the mood despite how tired we all were.  Kenya and I crashed in her ‘studio apartment’ above the garage, watching BBC’s North & South and sipping on tea.  

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