Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 45 (7/29/12): Dinner on the Farm

The big day was finally here.  Not only have we been planning this day for months, but this day celebrates the 11th anniversary of buying the farm, and today my family will be coming!  Everyone was in the kitchen today.  Kenya and I worked in the house kitchen while Jillian, Annie, and Mary worked in the farmstand kitchen.  Kenya and I made a string-bean and tomato salad and a bok choy and ginger side dish.  While Kenya remained in the kitchen, I helped set up the barn.  The skies were still overcast and it was drizzling every so often.  Everyone would be eating in the barn.  We had to move everything to the side of the barn, outside, or to the second level; sweep weeks of hay, dirt and animal poop of the floor; and bring in all of the chairs and 13 tables donated from the church.  We barely had enough room at the tables for the 110 expected guests.  I ran to the store to grab some mayonnaise for the cole slaw, more cups and napkins, and M&M’s as Mary’s de-stressor.  The event started at 5, and I found myself in the kitchen at 4:20 mixing together the BBQ sauce for the pork.  Eli had been struggling between using a North Carolina vs. a South Carolina recipe, although I’m not sure which one he decided on (recipe included below).  I was to man the loom until dinner started, showing people how to weave our gathered materials between the spokes.  Mary wanted every person at the event to weave something into the loom that was set up right next to the barn, covered by a tent from the rain.  The loom was a hit.  Families, older couples, kids all loved it and were eager to share in a piece of the loom.  I was almost in tears seeing my family for the first time in 45 days – I think that’s the longest I’ve gone without seeing them.  Mom, Dad, and Abigail (no Austin or Copper) road tripped up to Maine to visit a relative in Kennebunk, ME and see me on the farm.  
Although we had to have a couple of tables outside under the loom’s tent, the dinner went smoothly.  People were impressed with the amount of food they received, and Eli’s pork was a hit.  We had a mystery 25 extra people show up and we found one lady hoarding food in bags, but there were still plenty of leftovers.  After dinner, I eagerly gave my family a tour of the farm and where I work.  We all helped clean up after the event and shared peach cobbler with everybody before heading out.  I have my day off tomorrow, so I’ll get to spend extra time with the fam.

2 C cider vinegar
2 Tbl dark brown sugar
1 Tbl ketchup
1 Tbl Texas Pete hot sauce
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp salt
Warm until sugar is dissolved

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