Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 39 (7/23/12): Welcome, Annie

The view from our lake house. nbd.

I am Anna, Katie’s name was Katie, and the family, particularly Ellie, Sage, and Mary could never keep us straight, so they took to calling us ‘Katie Nana’ (a character in Mary Poppins).  We had a new apprentice arrive today named Annie, and I can only imagine the name confusion that will ensue for the rest of the summer.  This morning I worked on some typical chores of watering the hoop houses, harvesting cucumbers, green peppers, squash, and broccoli, and bug checking (the hornworms on the tomato plants are HUGE – at 6” long and 1½” wide sometimes, they make even me cringe a little to squish, with my foot of course).  Ellie brought Annie back to the house at 1:30, and we settled her into Katie’s old room and I gave her a tour.   Annie is a petite 24-year-old with olive skin and dark hair who arrived in a straw hat, worn jeans, and an air plant in her pocket that she takes wherever she goes.  I showed her around the house and the farm, reciting my speech from Open Day Farm, the day before, when we reached the lower fields.  Annie prefers to wake-up to the fresh air, so she hopes to eventually sleep in the teepee we have behind the fields.  Last summer, Annie worked in a 2/3-acre CSA garden.  The reason why she’s doing an apprenticeship this summer is because she wants to become comfortable with her skills in farming.  Her father gave her some land on a mountain in Dickson County, ME and her dream is to build her own little shack and subsist on her land with a fruit trees, a veggie garden, and maybe some animals.  She’s training to be a doula, a support person for mothers giving birth, and she’d like to go to school to be a midwife.  I’m looking forward to getting to know Annie because she’s on such a different life path that I am.  
We ended the day with feeding together, as Annie is particularly interested in working with the animals.  She rode my bike as I ran down to the camp and we joined the family for pork chops, cooked broccoli, and grilled squash for dinner.  Much to Mary’s dismay, Gil finally figured out how to turn on the tv, which has cable, so River Monsters, a show about a man travelling the world to catch huge fish, played for most of the evening.  Kenya and I finished North & South while giving each other foot massages, and I’m crashing at 10:30.  

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