Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 42 (7/26/12): Water in Waterville

 I woke up early this morning to work out, but heard rustling and footsteps around the house.  I glanced out the window to see Kenya sneaking out of the window of the downstairs bathroom.  The apprentices had slept in the house last night while Kenya had slept at the lake house with her 2 friends; I guess she needed to get something from the house this morning, farmer girl style.  
I spent the morning clearing all the fields of remay rolls so that now all of the plants are completely exposed.  I bug-checked all 9 rows in Field 7 of squash, to which I might have a mild allergy (itchy skin and a little rash whenever I’m working with it).  I finished early, so I tended to this’s and that’s for the rest of my time in the fields.  For lunch, I whipped together an omelette with kale, green pepper, tomato, and a patty pan before heading out to market.  We were giving Gillian, Kenya’s fellow farmer friend, a ride to market.  She described to me her dream of having multiple farms around the world and having a shop and café that sells only produce from her farms.  This, she elaborated, would provide jobs and allow her to live abroad.  
It had been overcast all day and it was still drizzly at market.  Despite the weather, we were able to sell all of our pies and make a dent in our stock of cinnamon and honey oat breads, pesto, honey, flour bouquets, jams, and freshly-jarred pickles.  
We ran some errands after market, stuffed our faces with DQ Blizzards, and came went to the house to unload the perishables.  We had to walk the ~1.5 miles to the lake house to further gorge ourselves with Mary’s eggplant parmesan.  She would hear nothing of my refusal for seconds as well as my declining a piece of her blueberry pie.  Mary takes her eggplants and pies rather personally.  The eggplant parmesan tonight was a Turkish recipe, without breading.  Eli joined us for the evening and told us all about the bird wildlife around him, including mynahs that can mimic cell phone ringtones.     
Mynah bird

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